Wednesday, February 18, 2009

LoD Beta Fun Part 3: Gay Exploiters!

It's nothing new.  LoD being accused of exploiting.  Don't forget, in SB we were European hackers that convinced GMs to do our bidding.  Apparently in DF we have a "radar hack" an "aimbot" and a "speedhack".  Obama is also LoD's Manchurian candidate and we fooled Americans into believing we actually landed on the moon.  

From the DF beta clan forums about our very own "Lucyhawk" aka Jordache.

"Just lol. Anyone else run into this speedhacking bitch? And no, it's not lag. It's very clearly not lag. She goes against 7 suited guildmates,
 while she's naked, with a two-hander, flying and teleporting, and
 hitting us perfectly. The only time you can hit her is when she's looting. She goes at mach-speed infinitely, and kept trailing and screwing with people.

I really don't much about LoD, but the fact that they keep trash like that in their guild really says something."

"This I would like proof of, cause yo jerk offs have been sitting in towns attacking people who are clanned at the bank with out going Grey looting shit and dumping everything in the bank or deleting the items in spite. You loot faster then even a 2.3k dpi mouse can pull a cursor. And this is just Lucy hawk I'm talking about. Don't bull shit me."

"It would be nieve of everyone to think that LoD won't use every exploit in the game. If 5 people hack/cheat, 3 of them will be LoD."

(That website really is pretty cool)

(Garreett Caic is probably gay and probably looking to exploit)

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