Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Harm recruited the server.

For anyone who had doubt about the numbers Aztek recruited to fight LoD... this video will show it. Thanks for making it Harm alliance! When asked why Aztek assembled over 250 people to attack LoD when our biggest army had been 70 at most at a QFT fight... he had the following to say.

"20 years of MMO experience and Military Training has taught me you need 3 to 1 odds to beat a dug in defender" - Aztek, GM of Harm

I guess the server doesnt appreciate your way of thinking bro. Isnt it cute how they are all lined up in town after the fight? I mean, in their ex-town.

Moving Right Along

Monday, March 30, 2009

Current Geo-Political Analysis...

Catch up on all the Agon politics with this write-up categorized by region.

"North West Island - Deceit
Just one week since I predicted an uphill battle for LOD to conquer Deceit they and their allies have managed to wipe out all opposition, shows you what I know. Having been an active particpant in many of these fights I've seen for myself that wars are not won by numbers, not by resources, but by will alone. The LOD guys and their buddies simply wanted it more. Those of you looking for the field manual on how to conquer land should look to some of the lessons learned here. Don't try to win in one night, demoralize their Clan by taking down bind spots and valuable assets, do so repeatedly until their moral is so low a push results in their fall. "
-bonedancer, Guildmaster of  SiN

A bit "Hades-esque", but this guy swallows his pride and hits the nail dead-on.  

New Ridable Mount Revealed in Darkfall!

LoD Judas riding into battle!

Click here for Dev Pic

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Fail Is Strong...

It seems that many guilds are re-considering their objectives.  Here's some of the more interesting reads.  Leave comments if I left out any of the hacks who couldn't hang in a true hardcore MMO. 

"Their guilds have problems with spies, so every move of the NAA was so predictable by LoD alliance. Anyway, we keep fighting on there, knowing since saturday we were walking directly to our defeat or to a never ending war, just for loyalty to our new friends."

Harm makes excuses, blames LoD's willingness to be "hardcore"

"Our alliance lost a city the other day because we just plain out could not defend it due to the time of day it was attacked. A fair tactic and I wont complain. From browsing LOD forums we knew they were coming and when just not what target. We also knew they were taking vacation from work and getting up at 3:30am to accomplish their goals. The day I have to take vacation to save pixels is the day I say fuck the pixels."

"We changed focus recently we're glad to have the burden of a city off our backs now.."

Revenge is a Beautiful Thing

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Feeling Sleepy?

Dont give in... fight it.... get some coffee. Yes, hes on our payroll.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The War for Deciet

LoDWarz.wmv HD Download

By Coneitic LoD

Bonepeeler Proctectorofall looking for Job

Bonepeeler Proctectorofall

Its my dream in life to work in the mmo business. Although my time working at my previous employer was short, i feel i have learned a lot and am ready to work for your company.

3/1/9 - 3/5/9 Avenurine, Greece
* Gamemaster in-training for 4 days
* Was involved in extremely hard work conditions at LoD Keep.
* Under extreme pressue but kept my cool as i was surrounded and teabagged.
* Fired after 4 days for un-fair circumstances.

1/6/4 - 2/29/9 Alexander's Rub and Tug, Greece
* Well trained in the "stranger", the rusty trumpet, the reverse cowboy, and the roman helmet.
* Learned good communication skills
* Extremely hard worker, often employee of the month vote in by male customers.


I was home schooled

Anyone at Avenurine will prove to you that i am the right man for the job. Although i was fired after only 4 days, it was an impossible situation i was involved in at the LoD keep. I may have flown off the handle and threatened to ban people for boxing me in, but i did the best i could. How would YOU FEEL if you were surrounded and teabagged by complete strangers.

Please dont call Avenruine but take my word that i am an outstanding customer service agent.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Movie w/ Tea baggin, Sieges, Tempest Harm etc

New Movie by LoD Apok

Download it for highest quality:


Whatever did happen to Harm's bank (besides being disabled later that night)?  Let's ask Labiferoan Windrunner, former Harm officer with clan bank access, turned newest addition to LoD explains...


What loot?  Harm loot seized by LoD officials included; gold, resources, modules etc. plus 40+ siege hammers put to GREAT use that same night (read "Doing Work").  

(What loot? ALL OF IT)

But Why? What drives a man to realize he was surrounded by Busch Leaguers pretending to be hardcore MMO'ers?  Nobody respects a zerg.  PERIOD.

(Sounds about right)

Where did all the loot end up?  Mostly in the hands of LoD financial wizard, Hew, who was quoted as saying "We didn't even apply for bail-out funds, wtf is this all aboot?"


More screens/vids to follow.  ATC couldn't resist posting the exclusive early before news could be twisted by the masses.   The vent recordings alone are comedy gold.  

Hopefully non-believers learned two valuable lessons.  

1. Just because you play with legends, doesn't give you the right to call yourself one.  You will never be more than a cog in a zerg. 

2. Don't fuck with LoD.

Fun links:

Doing Work

Do⋅ing Work [doo-ing][wurk]
–verb (used with object)
1. The usage of over 150 Siege Hammers in one night.
2. The destruction of Harm's Bank, T3 Keep.
3. The destruction of Tempest's Bank, T3 Keep, Houses, Advanced Smithy, and Workbench.
4. The destruction of LEGION's Bank, Houses, General Store, and Crates(lol).

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Rainbow Coalition of Gay Zergers (RCoGZ)...how taste our pee pee pee?

(Shout-Outs to the anti-zerg)

Friday, March 20, 2009

New Movie by Nasty: Zergin' Volume I


LoD: At the Center of Politics & War

What else is new?  Even in rare-temporary-defeat...LoD wins.  Why? Because you're talking about us-- and the formation of the mega-zerg alliance means that as individual guilds you will remain obscure unknowns in the annals of MMO history.  A mere fart compared to the shit-stain LoD has smeared over its enemies.  

Summed up best...

"So, from this thread we agree, everyone hates LOD, and thus they're famous, similarly they are respected to an extent even by guilds that hate them. Then there is the alliance of 16 guilds who are no names trying to make a name for themselves and the whole server hates them for mad zergfest. Can I join in on one of these guilds? I want to be famous too."

LoD eats your buildings.

We raid the cookie jar at night. Yes, you should be worried.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Harm Bank Bailout Woes Continue

LoD, with allies KillCult and Yew Militia, dealt the first blow to "those that eat yellow snow" on Deceit. 

Harm's bank located in the ghetto known as Mamengruk was declared defunct as financial guru Couls decided to leverage major assets (BA would say "a shit-ton of battlespikes") in a long term battle against the intruders.  When finally allowed to go to bed,  Venger declared "THIS BULLSHIT IS BULLSHIT".  

Harm was able to bring several partners in to join the fight to include; Tempest and Legion.  But these hippies pretty much suck...so yah.  


(Combat Photography by Roby)

Be Aggressive Vol 3

HD Full Download:

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Art of Competitive Gaming

I'd like to assume that the majority of the ATC readers consider themselves competitive gamers. This interesting article on Competitve Gaming takes an analytical approach to the concept of balances within MMORPGs. The author really nails some of the points that compose the LoD4Life mentality. Now, if this article came from Adventurine, we would all be in great shape.

A game is enjoyable if there's strategic depth and variety that encourages experimentation, and every new dominant strategy discovered is met with an effective counterstrategy. A game is broken or unbalanced if it becomes clear that spamming a particular move, taking over a particular location, or employing a particular tactic makes everything else in the game irrelevant.

Perhaps the biggest difference between a casual player and a hardcore player is that a casual player wants to be able to pick up a game and have fun with it without putting hundreds of hours into it, and a hardcore player wants the hundreds of hours invested into the game to mean something


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jerk-Face Griefer!

Do not group with "Sucan LoD"
As soon as you accept the invite from him he will kill you and loot you! This is totally not cool, if you ask someone to group with you, you should be trying to help not kill them. If you see him in game kill him over and over he is a douche bag griefer.

Awesome Work Sucan

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Be Aggressive Vol. 2 - Conny of LoD

GM Bonerpeeler Is Watching You!

The mystery behind Darkfall's secret anti-hacking detection system has been revealed.  It's Bonerpeeler...and he's watching you.  Is it possible this guy gets paid by Aventurine? 

(ATC is watching you Bonerpeeler!)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

GM Harrassment, The Video by Apok

With random PKing, Ganking, and Rez killing.

Watch it in HD on Youtube: (double click to go to youtube page then click HD tab)

Or Download the Movie in HD here (Best Quality)

Monday, March 9, 2009

LoD Griefs Darkfall Staff

Don't come to our city and expect not to be griefed.  That goes for GM's too. Speakingof GM's...don't show up and try to flex on us...especially when 50% of my guildmates are still pressing "F5".  

This is the story of a young GM, who wandered into the wrong town.  Bonepeeler Protectorofall paid a visit to the very unfriendly Frost Coast (aka Deceit).

He was quickly met by the LoD Box Club -- who surrounded the GM and began to "harrass" him.  

(Bonepeeler checking out the LoD Keep)

(Doesn't this "GM" have a "teleport" function?)

(Bonerpeeler struggling against the mighty LoD)

Don't feel bad for the GM just yet.  You know he has one card left to play.  The "I ban thee" trick".  But will LoD pull his punk card?

(1st Warning Mister!)

(So mean)

Apparently two LoD members were booted from game.  It is still unknown whether or not anyone received any type of suspension.  If so, I wonder if they'll deduct it from the time Aventurine already owes us.  

Simon LoD, who was actually punted from game, had this to say, "You put that Mother F'er in 4oz. gloves and fly him to Fresno...I guarantee i'll test his chin".  

Nearly as quickly as it started, Tasha Dev, came to the rescue of her retarded 'lil brother and behaved like a paid employee of a shittily-launched game should.  The two were last seen comparing notes on how to actually use their UI.   

(GMs take damage but their health bar stays at 100% just FYI)

(Alert the Clutch!)

The episode leaves many questions unanswered.  Why were GMs in our city in the 1st place?  Do GMs receive training on how to use their "powers"?  Is it Aventurine's policy to punt players from game for "harrassment"?  Will Bonepeeler always be a n00b?


Go ahead and go to sleep EU 1...

The LoD Batsignal has been activated. Europeen playerbase activated. Ninja am raids inc.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Have You Ever Been Victimized...

...by a Ventrilo predator?  You know the type...channel switched by some loud-mouth-Texan to a 1 on 1 quagmire-like-conversation that accomplishes nothing but wasting time.  Stand up.  Don't become a victim of Ventril-a-buse.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

There's a New Sheriff in LoD's Empire...

And nobody gives a fuck.   If you see this guy, plug your godamn ears before he kills you with SPAM.  

(Judas captioned above in a 1-way conversation with the LoD clanstone)

Zerg vs Muderturd

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New LoD Movie by Coneitic

Clicky Clicky

Bofis is Back

One of the greatest video makers in the MMO world. Lets just hope he finally gets an account so we can see more from him... and less /wrists.


Picture above: Murdock aka "The Frank Lucas of Darkfall"

I dont think people understand how we roll at ATC. Our cars are made of Steedgrass. Our suits are made of Steedgrass. Our hats? you guessed it, SteeDizzle. You may get excited over seeing a single piece of Steedgrass after 2 hours of farming, but for us, its just a way of life. Dont hate us because we are successfull.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Stop Holding Hands FFS

Seriously what the fuck is with all these faggots allying with the world already in Darkfall. All i see in System chat is pussies allying with the world. Wheres the War? Wheres the Conflict? We've been waiting how many years for Darkfall now and people would rather sit around and play sim city in safety? Time for us shake up this bitch real soon.

I swear this is system chat:

IMAGE has allied with guild 1.
IMAGE has allied with guild 2.
IMAGE has allied with guild 3.
Guild 2 has allied with Bad Boys for Life.
Bad Boys for Life has allied with guild 1.
Bad Boys has allied with Grobalds.

This isnt WoW. Stop holding hands and having tea parties. If you like doing that so much, just go right back and enjoy the safety of horde vs alliance.