Monday, April 20, 2009

Hyperion takes it in the ass

I would have summed it up like, hyperion fell for the bait, got flanked, lost to less numbers... and king manus pooped out 3 mortars with his full plate. Bone wrote it up all fancy schmancy for you.

"This weekened I was a part of a siege that for me defines Darkfall. The fight for the bridge west of Hamlet 121 was everything I could have hoped for in organized combat. Sinister and the Deceit alliance moved out form defensive postures of Sunthrone, Rhenegar, and Khunark 1 hour prior to Skogul's vulnerability point. The forces of Hyperion met the Sunthrone offensive force head on at a bridge choke point imeediately to the west of Skogul and a pitched battle began. At one point it looked like we (Deceit) were going to be routed as the Hyperion army charged across the bridge on horseback like calvary. Players were in full on sprint away from the battle and the lines were broken, that is until the second division of our forces slammed into the Hyperion flank.

This fight was the most epic thing I've seen in the game. Beach heads were won and lost, flanks and counter flanks were employeed it was really just awesome. The lag was present but not game breaking and I honestly think had we lost the siege I would have still be very happy with the experience. In a world where lines are drawn now between all of the alliances I predict most encounters to be pitched battles like this where no step is taken without blood and tears being spilt.

From a tactical standpoint I believe Hyperion forces errored in charging past the bridge they could have held that point for a VERY long time. By extending outside of Skogul and into the fields the rear flank of our second division was able to smash them one by one from the rear. Mannus and his troops should have kept their original positions 80-100 man strong north east of Skogul and only after our troops had to fight through Skogul's 40-60 rooftop and building defenders should they have entered the frey. Stamina of our troops would have been lower, cohesion of force would have been weaker and the initiative would have been theirs to take.

Destroying a clanstone in this game takes even a large force about 15 minutes of unoccupied time, during which any AE on or near the stone hits massive amounts of players. There SHOULD be lots of time for reactionary combat where players either come off the stone or die for it.

In short, by giving up the natural defensive postures of Skogul, and by not focusing on its defense, they lost the battle.

Still, was about the most fun I've had in Darfkall yet and I salute all involved. "


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hyperion is a joke. Half the people in it aren't even obligated to fight because they are carebears and just pay extra steep taxes not to fight.